About Me

(Emin is the one with the red shirt.)
I am currently working as a Data Scientist at Booking.com. Previously, I was at Twitter and Data Spark. I have defended my PhD thesis in October 2015. I conducted my academic research in Advanced Database Research and Modeling (ADReM) research group at University of Antwerp under the supervision of prof. Bart Goethals. My research area was data mining and I am currently working on subspace clustering and instant interactive data mining. More on my research.
I am interested in coding, causal inference, privacy, and cyber rights. Before getting involved in academic research, I was working as a software developer. One of my challenges during the PhD was to see whether I can apply software engineering rules to academic software. My research related software can be found in projects page along with my pet projects.
Although I am not a big fan of popular American culture, I am trying to keep up with memes and trends. I have recently discovered the nice face of the comic book literature and I will try to write my thoughts on what I read. Be aware that I am just a concerned reader, not an expert of any kind.
- m AT memin.tk
- My public GPG key is 3380 2171 FE81 1836 6A65 10E9 8E49 0395 F436 1444.
- My LinkedIn: eminaksehirli
- My Fediverse (Mastodon): @emin@macaw.social
- My GitLab and GitHub
- My Google Scholar Citations page
- My DBLP page
More from me
- Our GIF blog about research: Research in Progress
- My blog about free software in Turkish
- My music bookmarks
About this site
I publish almost everything I produce under free licences, i.e., AGPL or Creative Commons. Except the content that is obviously copyrighted by other parties, such as the screen shots, comic book pages or tarade marked logos. They are here probably under fair use but if anybody get upset let me know. And lastly, template of this website is shamelessly ripped of from rsms.me. I have changed the theme to webjeda cards (theme site) on 2018-12-03.
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